ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Louis Malteste

Louis Malteste was a person who lived a long time ago. He was an artist, which means he liked to draw and make beautiful pictures. He was born in France in 1862.

Louis Malteste loved to draw people, especially women. But he didn't draw them like you see in cartoons or movies. He drew them in a more grown-up way, sometimes showing their bodies without clothes on. This is something that grown-ups like to look at, but it's important to remember that it's not for children.

Malteste also liked to write stories and poems. He wrote books about love and romance. Sometimes, his stories were a little naughty, which means they talked about things that are only for grown-ups to know about.

Some people thought that Malteste's drawings and stories were too bold, which means they were too much for some people to handle. They thought that he showed things that were private and should be kept between grown-ups. But other people thought that Malteste's art was beautiful and important because it showed a different side of life.

Today, Malteste's art is considered a part of history. It's important to remember that his drawings and stories are for grown-ups only and not something that children should see or know about.