ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay, so let's imagine we're making a cake. We have all the ingredients we need, but we need to mix them together in the right way to make a yummy cake. That's kind of what a "solução" (solution) is. It's when we mix different things together to create one thing that works well.

Now, a "lução" (luction) is kind of like a special type of solution. It's when we mix together different things to come up with a really clever way to solve a problem. It's like we're using our brains to mix ideas and thoughts together to create something new that helps us fix something or do something better.

For example, let's say we want to make a toy car go faster. We can use a lução by thinking of different ways to make it go faster, like changing the wheels or adding more power to the battery. We mix these ideas together to create one solution, and then we test it out to see if it works.

So, in simple terms, a lução is a creative way of using different ideas or solutions to come up with a new and inventive solution.