ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ludum Dare

Ludum Dare is a game-making competition where people from all over the world come together to make and share their own video games. It happens three times a year and lasts for two days or more, depending on the competition.

During the competition, people work alone or in teams to make a video game from scratch. They start with a blank page and must come up with an idea for the game, design the graphics, create the sound effects and music, and write the code.

The games can be made for computers, phones, or any other device that can play video games. They can be about anything - from dancing robots to hungry dinosaurs - it's all up to the person or team making the game.

When the competition is over, everyone gets to show off their games to the world. People can play the games and vote on which ones they like the most. It's a fun way to be creative, learn new skills, and share your love of video games with others.