ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Luigi Galvani

Luigi Galvani was an Italian scientist who lived a long time ago. He discovered something really cool about the way our bodies work.

You know how sometimes when you rub your feet on the carpet and then touch someone and you both get a little spark? Well, Luigi discovered that our bodies have electricity in them too!

He did experiments with frogs to figure this out. He noticed that when he touched the nerve in a frog's leg with a metal hook, the leg would twitch, almost like it was alive. He figured out that this was because of the electricity in the nerve.

It was a very important discovery because it helped us understand more about how our brains and nerves work. In fact, his discovery led to the development of something called electrotherapy, which is used today to help people with pain or other health problems.

So, basically, Luigi Galvani discovered that our bodies have electricity in them, which is really important for how our muscles and nerves work.
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