ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Luminary (Gnosticism)

So, have you ever heard of the word "luminary"? It's a really fancy word that means someone who is really important and famous.

Now, in some really old stories called the gnostic texts, they talk about something called a "luminary" in a different way. They say that there are special beings that live in the sky who are very powerful and wise, kind of like superheroes. They believe that these luminaries created the world we live in and everything in it.

But, some people who followed the gnostic beliefs also believed that the world we live in was not a perfect place and was actually kind of messed up. They believed that we are all trapped here on Earth and we need the help of these luminaries to escape and find a better place.

So, to sum it up for you, the gnostics thought that luminaries were these really important beings that could help us escape from the imperfect world we live in and find something better.