ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Lunar and Planetary Institute

Okay, kiddo, have you ever looked up at the moon or the stars in the sky and wondered about them? Well, there are some really smart grown-up people who study the moon and all the other planets in our solar system. These scientists work at a place called the Lunar and Planetary Institute.

The Lunar and Planetary Institute is like a big think-tank where the scientists use their big brains to study things like the craters on the moon, the different planets in our solar system, and how they all work together. They use special tools and machines to learn about these things, like telescopes to look at the stars and moons, and computers to help them analyze all the information they gather.

The scientists at the Lunar and Planetary Institute also share all of their knowledge with each other and with the rest of the world. They write books, make videos, and teach classes to help people like you and me understand what they've learned. They want to help us all learn more about the moon and the planets so that we can appreciate just how amazing they are!