ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

M.A.K. Halliday

M. A. K. Halliday is a really smart person who knows a lot about language. You know how we use words and sentences to talk, read, and write? Well, Halliday studied all those things and figured out how they work together to help us understand each other.

Words are like little building blocks we use to make sentences. Halliday noticed that some words are more important than others, and he called those words "grammar words." Grammar words help us know things like when something happened, who did it, and how it happened. They are like the glue that holds together the sentences we make.

But there are also other words we use that aren't grammar words, like "apple" or "car" or "happy." Halliday called those words "content words" because they give us content or meaning. They are really important too, but they don't help us build sentences the way grammar words do.

Halliday also noticed that we use language in different ways depending on the situation we're in. For example, when we're talking to a friend, we might say things differently than when we're talking to a teacher or a parent. Halliday called these different ways of using language "registers." Each register is like a different set of rules for how to use words to fit the situation.

Overall, Halliday helped us understand how language works and why we use words and sentences the way we do. He's a really important person in the field of linguistics!