ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

MIT Media Lab Object-Based Media

Object-based media is like playing with Lego blocks. You can take different colored blocks and build something new every time using them. Similarly, the MIT Media Lab is a place where people use digital blocks to make different types of things, like videos, music, and games.

But the difference is that these digital blocks are clickable and independent, which means that they can be changed and recombined in different ways without having to make a whole new thing from scratch.

Imagine you have a video, and you want to change the music, colors, and story for different people. By using object-based media, you can create different versions of the same video by just changing the individual clickable blocks.

In short, object-based media allows you to make things that are easily adaptable and customizable for different audiences and purposes. It is like having lots of building blocks that you can use to create anything you imagine.