ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

MLS Collective Bargaining Agreement

Okay kiddo, so when people play professional soccer in the United States and Canada, they usually play in a league called Major League Soccer or MLS. The people who run MLS and the players who play in the league have to agree on a lot of things like how much money the players will get paid, how long their contracts will be, and how many games they will play each season.

The agreement that they make together is called a collective bargaining agreement, which is a really big and important contract that sets out all the rules and regulations for the league. It’s like a big rulebook that everyone agrees to follow.

Before they can start playing each season, the people who run MLS and the players' union (which is a group of players who work together to make sure their voices are heard) have to sit down and talk about the collective bargaining agreement. They talk about what they want and what they need to be happy and successful in the league.

Once they agree on everything, they sign the collective bargaining agreement and everyone gets ready to play soccer! The players will know how much money they will make, how long they will be playing for, and what kind of benefits they will get. And the people who run MLS will know what they need to do to make sure everyone is happy and successful.