ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, do you know what a computer is? It's kind of like a magic machine that can do all sorts of things. One thing it can do is make pictures using a special language called code.

Now, MSWLogo is a program that helps us write code to make pictures. It's like a coloring book where we fill in shapes with different colors and designs, but instead of crayons, we use code.

We start by telling MSWLogo what shape we want to draw using words like "square," "triangle," or "circle." Then, we tell it how big we want the shape to be and where we want it on the screen.

After that, we can color in the shape with different colors or even make it move around the screen like a video game character. The possibilities are endless when you know how to use MSWLogo!

So, in summary, MSWLogo is a computer program that helps us make pictures using code. It's like a coloring book where we tell the computer what to draw and how to color it in.