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Maaveerar Day

Maaveerar Day is a special day that is observed by some people who come from a place called Sri Lanka. Maaveerar Day is also known as Martyrs' Day. This day is celebrated to remember and honor the people who were killed during a war that happened a long time ago in Sri Lanka.

During this time, some groups of people felt like they were not being treated fairly or equally. They wanted to have their own place to live in that was separate from the rest of the country. This led to a war that went on for many years.

Unfortunately, a lot of people lost their lives during this war. These people are called "Maaveerar" which means "Great Heroes" in a language called Tamil. They are remembered on this day because they sacrificed their lives for what they believed in.

On Maaveerar Day, people who remember and honor the Maaveerar will light candles, say prayers and visit places where the Maaveerar are buried. It's a very important day for some people and it helps them to remember the sacrifices that were made in the past to create a better future.