Macedonians of Albania are people who live in Albania and identify themselves as ethnic Macedonians. Ethnicity means a person's cultural or ancestral background - where their family comes from, what customs and language they practice, and what traditions they follow. So, if someone identifies themselves as Macedonian in Albania, it means that their ancestors or family came from Macedonia, a neighboring country.
Now, Albania is a country in Europe located near Greece and Italy. It's a place where many different ethnicities and cultures have lived together for centuries. Despite sharing a border with Macedonia, the people living in Albania don't all identify as Macedonian. They can come from different ethnic backgrounds, like Albanian, Greek, Macedonian, Roma, or many others.
The Macedonian community in Albania, however, has faced some challenges over the years. As a minority group, they have often struggled to maintain their language, culture, and rights. For example, there have been times when Macedonian language teaching and cultural activities were restricted. However, many people are proud of their Macedonian identity and work hard to preserve it through community organizations and events.
In conclusion, Macedonians of Albania are people who identify as Macedonian and live in Albania. They are one of many ethnic groups in the country, and they have faced challenges in preserving their language and culture.