ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Machig Labdrön

Machig Labdrön was a really cool lady who lived a long time ago in Tibet. She was suuuuper smart and realized that there was a way to stop people from feeling scared and anxious. She thought that if people could learn how to calm their minds and focus on the good things in life, they would feel much better.

So she came up with a special way of meditating that helped people do just that. She called it Chöd, which means 'cutting through'. The idea was to think about all the things that can make us feel upset, like fear, anger and sadness. And then, with our minds super calm, we could 'cut through' those negative feelings and focus on the positive things in our lives.

Machig was also really brave and didn't care what other people thought of her. She even went against some of the traditional rules of Buddhism to create her own way of teaching people how to meditate. And because so many people saw how much it helped them, she became really popular.

So basically, Machig Labdrön was a smart lady who figured out a way to help people feel less anxious by coming up with a special way of meditating. And even though she broke some rules, people loved her for it because it worked!