ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Madrid Conference of 1991

In 1991, a big meeting happened in a city called Madrid. Leaders from many different countries went there to talk about a problem that had been going on for a long, long time - the problem was that the people who lived in a place called Palestine and the people who lived in a place called Israel didn't get along very well.

The leaders wanted to find a way to make things better between the two groups of people. They talked about how they could help them to live together without fighting and hurting each other. They also talked about important things like making sure everyone had enough food and water, and how they could help the people who didn't have homes or were refugees, which is someone who has to leave their home because it's not safe.

The leaders talked and talked, but unfortunately, they couldn't find a solution that everyone agreed on. However, they were able to make progress by identifying the issues that needed to be resolved in order for peace to be achieved. This was an important step in the journey towards peace in the Middle East, and although it was just one conference, it was a very important one.