ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mahanipata Jataka

Mahanipata Jataka is a story from a book of stories called the Jataka Tales. The Jataka Tales are stories about the past lives of the Buddha when he was still a regular person.

In the Mahanipata Jataka, there is a man who is really good at making pottery. He makes all sorts of beautiful things out of clay like cups, bowls, and plates. One day, he hears that there is a king who is looking for a special plate to give to his queen. The potter wants to make the plate and sell it to the king for a lot of money.

So the potter works really hard to make the best plate he has ever made. He spends days making the plate and it turns out so beautiful that he is really proud of it. He takes it to the king's palace and shows it to the king. The king is really impressed and buys it for a lot of money.

The potter is really happy with the money he got for the plate. He goes home and starts spending the money on lots of nice things. But then he starts to realize that something is wrong. The plate he made was so beautiful that he didn't want to sell it. He wanted to keep it for himself.

This is where the story teaches us an important lesson. The potter realizes that his greed for money made him sell something that was really important to him. He realizes that happiness doesn't always come from money or nice things. Sometimes, happiness comes from doing something you love and feeling proud of it.

So the potter decides to give away all the money he earned from the plate and start making pottery again. He finds joy in his work again and realizes that true happiness can come from doing what you love and being content with what you have.