ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Mahavishnu is a Hindi word consisting of two parts: Maha means 'great' and Vishnu refers to a Hindu deity who is considered the preserver of the universe. So, Mahavishnu is the great god Vishnu.

Imagine a superhero who is very powerful and saves the world from danger. That is how people see Vishnu, as a superhero who protects the world from evil. Mahavishnu is even more powerful and greater than regular Vishnu.

People believe that Mahavishnu created the world and all living beings including humans. They also believe he is responsible for maintaining the order and balance in the universe. He is usually depicted with four arms that represent his power and control over the four directions of the world.

In Hindu mythology, Mahavishnu appears in different forms called avatars. For example, Krishna and Rama are both considered avatars of Mahavishnu, which means Mahavishnu came to earth as these people to teach the world about love, truth, and bravery.

So think of Mahavishnu like a really powerful and awesome superhero who created and protects the world.
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