ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mail robbery

Mail robbery is when somebody takes mail that doesn't belong to them. It's like if someone took your toys without asking. It's not nice and it's also against the law.

Imagine you have a big box with your name on it that gets delivered to your front door. Inside the box are some special things that you've been waiting for, like some new clothes or toys. But someone sees the box and they decide to take it for themselves. That's what mail robbery is. They take your box and open it up to see what's inside. They might take some things that they like or they might just throw it away.

This is a very serious problem because sometimes people need their mail to do important things, like pay bills or find out important information. If someone takes their mail, they might not be able to do those things and it can cause a lot of problems.

That's why it's important to always make sure that your mail is secure. Don't leave it out in the open for someone to take and make sure you only give your address to people you trust. And if you ever see someone taking mail that doesn't belong to them, make sure you tell an adult so they can help stop the mail robbery.