ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Main Operating Base

A main operating base is a place where important things happen, kind of like a really big playground. Imagine you have a special toy that you really love to play with. In order to have lots of fun with your toy, you need a big space to run around and play safely. That's exactly what a main operating base is like for grown-ups who need a big space to do important things.

At a main operating base, you might find a bunch of airplanes lined up on the runway ready to take off, just like how you might have a bunch of friends lined up to play a game. There might be lots of people working together to make sure everything runs smoothly, kind of like how you and your friends have to work together to make sure everyone has a turn to play.

Sometimes, people might even live at a main operating base, just like how you might go to someone's house for a sleepover. They have everything they need there, like a bed to sleep in, food to eat, and friends to hang out with.

Overall, a main operating base is a really important place where grown-ups play and work together to do important things, just like how you and your friends play together to have fun.