ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Main stem

Okay kiddo, the main stem is like the trunk of a big tree. You know how a tree has a big part in the middle that holds up all the branches and leaves? That's the main stem.
In the same way, our bodies have a main stem too. It's called the spinal cord and it goes from our brain all the way down to our lower back. It's like a big road that carries messages from our brain to the rest of our body.
Just like a tree would have lots of smaller branches coming off the big trunk, our main stem (or spinal cord) has lots of smaller nerves that branch off and go to different parts of our body. These nerves are what help us move, feel, and do everything else our bodies need to do.
So, whether we're talking about a big tree or our own body, the main stem is really important because everything else depends on it.