ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Maintenance respiration

Imagine you are a big tree in a forest. Every day, you have to do some work just to stay alive. This is called "maintenance respiration."

Now, let's break that down. "Maintenance" means keeping things running smoothly, like when you clean your room so it stays organized. "Respiration" means breathing in oxygen and breathing out carbon dioxide.

Plants, like trees, do this too! Through photosynthesis, they make their own food using sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide. But just like you need to breathe all the time, plants need to do something called "cellular respiration" to keep their cells alive.

During cellular respiration, the plant takes in oxygen from the air and uses it to break down food molecules into energy. This process also produces carbon dioxide, which the plant breathes out.

So, maintenance respiration is the energy your tree spends on just keeping its cells healthy and working. It's like how you need to eat and drink to keep your body running, even when you're not playing or doing anything else.

Even when you're sleeping, your body is "maintaining" itself, and the same goes for trees! So next time you're walking through a forest, remember that every tree is working hard just to stay alive, even if it looks like they're just standing still.