ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Maji Maji Rebellion

The Maji Maji Rebellion was a big fight that happened in Tanzania a long time ago when people who lived there wanted their freedom. They were being ruled by people from other countries who were treating them badly and making them work for very little money or no money at all. This made the people very unhappy and so they decided to fight back.

They came up with a plan to make themselves strong and brave by using magic water that they called "maji maji". They thought that if they drank this magic water they would be invincible and not get hurt. Many people believed in this magic water and they drank it before they went out to fight.

However, the people they were fighting against were very powerful and had big guns that could shoot far. The magic water didn't work and many people got hurt or killed in the fight. The rebellion lasted for a few years and many people died.

Eventually, the people who were fighting for their freedom realized that magic water wasn't going to help them win. They had to come up with new ideas and strategies to fight back against the powerful people who wanted to control them. In the end, after many years of fighting and struggle, Tanzania gained its independence and the people were free.