Malayah is a fancy word for a place that used to be a country a long time ago. It was located in what we now call the Arabian Peninsula, which is a big sandy place with lots of deserts.
People used to live in Malayah a really, really long time ago, and they were called the Malakh people. They were very skilled at trading and traveling long distances. They used camels to carry things across the rocky and desert terrain.
Even though the country of Malayah doesn't exist anymore, we can still learn about their culture and traditions. They were known for having beautiful art and luxury items like spices and fabrics. They also spoke a language called Old South Arabian, which is different from the Arabic language that people in the region speak today.
So, in simple terms, Malayah is a place from a long time ago that doesn't exist anymore, but we can still discover and learn about the people who lived there and what made their culture special.