ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Malayo-Polynesian languages

Okay kiddo, have you ever heard of different languages? Well, there's a group of languages that are all related to each other and they're called the Malayo-Polynesian languages!

Now, one of the first things you need to know is that these languages are spoken by people who live all around the Pacific Ocean. That's a really big place, huh? So you can imagine that there are a lot of differences in how these languages are spoken depending on where you go.

But even though they might sound different to us, all Malayo-Polynesian languages have some things in common. For example, they all share similar words and grammar structures. This is because they come from a common ancestor language that people spoke a long, long time ago.

Some examples of Malayo-Polynesian languages include Tagalog from the Philippines, Bahasa Indonesia from Indonesia, and Maori from New Zealand. Some of these languages even use similar words with similar meanings, such as the words for "hand" or "water" in different Malayo-Polynesian languages.

So, to sum it up, Malayo-Polynesian languages are a group of languages that are related to each other and spoken by people who live all around the Pacific Ocean. They have similar words and grammar structures because they come from a common ancestor language, but can sound different depending on where you go.