ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Manfred F.R. Kets de Vries

Manfred F.R. Kets de Vries is a person who studies and helps people understand how to be good leaders and manage others in businesses and organizations. Just like how your parents teach you how to behave and make good choices, Manfred teaches adults how to be good bosses and make good decisions for their companies.

He looks at how people behave at work and how they interact with others, kind of like how you watch your friends play on the playground and how they treat each other. Manfred thinks it's important for bosses to understand how different people work, like some people are good at math and others are creative, just like how some of your friends are good at sports and others like to draw.

Manfred helps people learn how to communicate better, which means talking to other people in a way they can understand and listening to what they have to say. Just like how your parents listen to you when you talk about your day at school.

Overall, Manfred is like a teacher for grown-ups who want to be better bosses and leaders in their companies.