ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mansa (title)

Okay kiddo, so you know how some people have different titles like "Mr." or "Mrs."? Well, in some parts of Africa a long time ago, they used a special title called "Mansa".

Now, a Mansa was a really important leader - like a king or a president. But the cool thing about the Mansa title is that it was only used by certain people who were part of a really special group called the Mali Empire. This was a big group of people who lived in what is now known as Mali, and they had a really powerful leader who was called the Mansa.

The Mansa was like the boss of the Mali Empire. They had a lot of power and were respected by everyone in the group. They made important decisions about things like laws and trade, and they also had a lot of wealth.

People would show their respect to the Mansa by using the title when they talked to them or about them. And the Mansa would use their power to help their people and make the Mali Empire a strong and successful group.

So there you go, little one - now you know all about the important title of Mansa and what it meant in the Mali Empire a long time ago.