ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Maqsurah is a special place where people go to pray in a mosque. It is like a room that is separated from the rest of the mosque by a barrier or a wall. This is usually done to provide privacy to women or children who may not want to pray in the main prayer hall with everyone else.

The word Maqsurah comes from an Arabic word which means "to enclose" or "to separate". The Maqsurah usually has its own entrance, which is separate from the main entrance of the mosque. Sometimes, it may be located behind the main prayer hall, or in a separate area altogether.

In the Maqsurah, there may be chairs, mats, or carpets for people to pray on. These may be arranged differently than in the main prayer hall. For example, there may be fewer rows, or the rows may be closer together. This is to make sure everyone has enough space to pray comfortably.

Overall, the Maqsurah is a special place in a mosque where people who may feel more comfortable praying separately from others can go to do so.