ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Marawah, United Arab Emirates

Marawah, located in the United Arab Emirates, is a really cool place! It's a group of small islands in the middle of the Arabian Gulf, surrounded by water that's crystal clear and filled with all kinds of fish and other sea creatures.

But Marawah is special for other reasons too. It's an archaeological site, which means that there are things there that are very, very old. Scientists and archaeologists have found lots of amazing things on the islands, including the oldest known human settlement in the UAE. That means people lived there a really long time ago, before we even had phones or cars or computers.

One of the things that scientists have found on Marawah are things called "arrowheads". Arrowheads are sharp pieces of rock that were used a long time ago by people to hunt animals. Scientists think that the people who lived on Marawah were very skilled hunters, and that they used these arrowheads to catch animals like gazelles, which are kind of like big, fast deer.

Another thing that scientists have found on Marawah are old shells. These shells are important because they tell us about what the environment was like a long time ago. Some of the shells are from really big oysters, which tells us that the water around Marawah used to be much saltier than it is now.

Marawah is also home to some really cool animals! There are lots of different kinds of seabirds that live there, like seagulls and terns. There are also sea turtles and dolphins that swim around the islands. So not only is Marawah a cool place to learn about history and archaeology, it's also a great place to see lots of amazing animals!