ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Marc Brackett

Hello there! Marc Brackett is a really smart man who knows a lot about how we feel and how we can manage those feelings.

You know how sometimes you feel happy, and other times you may feel sad or angry? Well, Marc Brackett has studied these feelings a lot and has come up with some big ideas on how we can handle them better.

He thinks that it's important for us to understand how we feel, so we can learn to manage those feelings in a way that makes us happier and kinder people.

Marc has even created a special program called RULER that helps schools and grown-ups learn how to understand and manage their emotions. He uses things like charts and games to help us learn about emotions, and teaches us ways to handle them when we are feeling upset or overwhelmed.

In short, Marc Brackett is like a really cool teacher who teaches us about our feelings and how we can be happier and kinder people by understanding and managing them.