ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

March for Jesus

A march for Jesus is when a group of people come together to walk and celebrate their love for Jesus. Just like how somebody might have a parade for a special event, a march for Jesus is like a parade to show people how much they love and respect Jesus.

People who participate in a march for Jesus usually carry signs or banners with messages about their faith and wear clothes that have special symbols or pictures on them. They might also sing songs about Jesus as they walk.

The purpose of a march for Jesus is to bring attention to the importance of Jesus in people's lives and to spread a message of love and kindness to others. It's like a big party to celebrate how awesome people believe Jesus is and to show other people how much they care about their faith.

So, just like how people might walk in a parade to celebrate something special, a march for Jesus is a way for people to celebrate their love for Jesus and to spread a message of love and kindness to others.