ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mare Australe quadrangle

Okay kiddo, so there's this place on Mars called the Mare Australe Quadrangle. It's basically like a big section of the planet that scientists have given a name to.

This place is really special because it's located near the South Pole of Mars, which is one of the coldest places on the planet. It's kinda like living on the North Pole of Earth, but on Mars instead!

In this area, there are a lot of interesting features, like ice caps and deep canyons. Scientists study it because they want to know more about what Mars is like and how it was formed.

People on Earth can't just go there and visit, so they use special equipment like telescopes and robots to study it. It's like exploring a faraway land, but from a distance.

So, that's basically what the Mare Australe Quadrangle is - a really cool place on Mars that scientists are trying to learn more about!