ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Marga (Batak)

Marga in Batak culture is like a family name. Just like your last name tells people which family you come from, marga does the same thing for Batak people. It tells people which family you are from and helps connect you to your Batak heritage.

Marga is usually passed down from your father's side of the family. So if your dad has the marga "Simamora", that means you and your siblings would also have the last name Simamora. Some marga are more common than others, but all of them have important meanings and stories behind them.

Marga is really important in Batak culture because it helps people know who they are and where they come from. Knowing your marga can connect you to your family, history, and traditions. It's something that Batak people are really proud of and consider a big part of their identity.