ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Maria Dickin

Maria Dickin was a very kind lady who lived a long time ago and loved animals very much. She saw how some animals were not being treated very nicely and wanted to do something to help them.

So, she started an organization called the People's Dispensary for Sick Animals (PDSA), which is a place where sick animals could go to get better. The PDSA also helped owners who couldn't afford to take their pets to the vet, so they could get medical treatment too!

Maria Dickin was very special because she wanted to help all kinds of animals, big or small, and she even helped animals that were used to help humans like horses and donkeys.

The work that Maria Dickin started is still going on today, and lots of people are still helping animals because of what she did. She was a really smart person and a true hero for animals!