ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Marian Rejewski

Marian Rejewski was a man who lived a long time ago and was really good at solving puzzles. One of the most important puzzles he ever solved was the code used by a group of people who wanted to keep certain messages secret from other people. This code was called Enigma and it was used by a group of bad guys called the Germans during a big war that happened a long time ago.

Rejewski figured out how to crack the code by using a bunch of things called math and logic. He also built a special machine called a "Bomba" that could help him crack the code even faster. Because of Rejewski's great brain power, he and his team were able to help the good guys figure out what the bad guys were planning during the war and helped the good guys win in the end.

So, in summary, Marian Rejewski was a really smart man who helped the good guys in a war by solving a puzzle code and building a special machine to help him do it.