ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Marie-Claire Heureuse Félicité

Marie-Claire Heureuse Félicité was a very important lady who lived a long time ago in a country called Haiti. She was born in the year 1758 and she lived until she was almost 90 years old, which is a really long time!

Now, Haiti used to be a place where some people thought they could take other people and make them work really hard without paying them any money. This was called slavery, and it was very mean and unfair. But one day, some really brave people decided that they didn't want to be slaves anymore, and they started a big fight for their freedom. This was called the Haitian Revolt, and it was led by a man named Toussaint L'Ouverture.

Marie-Claire was an important person during this time because she was married to a man named Jean-Jacques Dessalines, who was also a leader in the Haitian Revolt. She helped her husband by being very smart and brave, and by helping to take care of the people who were fighting for their freedom.

Eventually, after a lot of fighting, the people of Haiti won their freedom and became their own country! This was a really big deal, and it wouldn't have happened without the help of people like Marie-Claire and her husband.

So, in summary, Marie-Claire Heureuse Félicité was a really important lady who helped to fight for the freedom of the Haitian people. She was very brave and smart, and she helped her husband and other leaders to win the fight for freedom. We should remember and admire her for all that she did!