ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Marija Gimbutas

Marija Gimbutas was a really smart lady who studied lots of things about people who lived a long time ago. She loved learning about the cultures of people who lived in Europe from a really long time ago, like even before your grandparents' grandparents' grandparents' grandparents' grandparents' grandparents were born!

Marija Gimbutas learned lots of things about how these old people lived, what they wore, what they ate, and how they celebrated life. She loved to dig up old things and study them, like pottery, jewelry, and toys. She loved to learn about their religions, which means what they believed in and how they worshipped their gods and goddesses.

Gimbutas was especially interested in the cultures of people who lived in a place called the "Balkans" which is in Europe. She found out that these people had something really special in common-- they loved to worship female goddesses who represented nature, like the moon, the stars, and the earth. This was really different because lots of other people at that time worshipped male gods.

Gimbutas was really important because not many people knew about these old cultures before she started studying them. She wrote lots of books and papers that helped people learn about these ancient goddess-worshiping cultures. Even though Marija Gimbutas is not with us anymore, we can still learn from her ideas and be inspired to learn about old cultures and how people used to live a really long time ago.