ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Maritime security

Maritime security is about keeping ships and the people on them safe while they are traveling across the ocean. Just like when we wear a life jacket and floaties when we swim, ships have to also take lots of safety measures to make sure they don't sink or have problems.

People who work in maritime security are like lifeguards for ships. They make sure that no one is doing bad things like stealing or attacking the ship. They also watch out for pirates who may try to take over the ship and harm the people on it.

Maritime security is also important because sometimes bad people try to bring dangerous things onto ships, like bombs or weapons. The people who work in maritime security check the ships and the people on them to make sure they are not carrying anything dangerous.

Overall, maritime security is all about keeping the people and things on ships safe while they travel across the ocean. It's like the security guards at a museum, making sure nothing bad happens and everyone can enjoy themselves.