ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mark Akenside

Okay, so Mark Akenside was a guy who lived a long time ago, kind of like a grandpa from a long time back. He was born over 300 years ago in England, which is a big island across the ocean from where we are now.

Now, Mark Akenside liked to write poems, which are kind of like really cool stories where every word sounds awesome and rhymes with the next one. He got really famous for his poems, and lots of people liked to read them.

One of his most famous poems was called "The Pleasures of Imagination," which is a fancy way of saying that it's about having really cool thoughts and ideas in your head. Mark Akenside was really smart, so he knew a lot about the mind and how people think.

Even though he lived a long time ago, his poems are still really cool to read and people still like them today. So he's kind of like a really, really old superhero who used his powers to create amazing poems that people still enjoy today.