ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mark Ratner

Mark Ratner is a person who is really smart and knows a lot about tiny things called molecules. These molecules are basically the building blocks of everything in the world around us. He studies how these molecules are put together and how they interact with each other.

Sometimes, when scientists want to make something new or understand how things work, they need to use really advanced tools like microscopes and computers to look at these tiny molecules up close. Mark Ratner is really good at using these tools and figuring out what's going on with these molecules.

He's done a lot of research on how molecules can be used in technology, like in your smartphone or computer. He's also helped make new materials that can be used in things like batteries and solar panels. Overall, Mark Ratner is a really smart person who helps us understand how the tiny things in our world work together to make everything around us.