ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Martin Luther's Birth House

Martin Luther was a man who lived a long time ago in a country called Germany. He was born in a special house where his family lived, and that house is called Martin Luther's birth house.

The house is located in a town called Eisleben, and it is very old - even older than your grandparent's house! Martin Luther's birth house was built almost 600 years ago, which is a really long time ago.

When Martin Luther was born, his family didn't have a lot of money. They were what we call peasants, which means they had to work very hard on their farm to provide food for their family. Martin's parents worked very hard to take care of him and his siblings.

Martin Luther grew up to become a very important person in history. He was a religious leader who started a movement called the Protestant Reformation. This movement changed the way people thought about religion in Europe, and it had a big impact on the world.

Today, Martin Luther's birth house is a museum where people can go to learn about his life and his role in history. You can see what the house looked like when Martin Luther was a little boy, and you can learn about the things he did when he grew up. It's a really cool place to visit if you're interested in history!