ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mary Kelly (artist)

Okay kiddo, do you know what art is? It's when someone makes something, like a painting or a sculpture, that's meant to be looked at and thought about. Mary Kelly is an artist who makes art like that.

She's also really interested in talking about things that are important but can be hard to understand. One thing she talks about a lot is how women are treated differently than men in society. She thinks it's important for people to know about that so we can work to make things better.

One thing she made that lots of people know about is called "Post-Partum Document." It's a big piece of art that has lots of different parts to it. She made it after having a baby, and it's all about the experience of being a mom and how society sees moms. She used things like her baby's diapers and her own milk to make parts of the art.

Some people really like Mary Kelly's art because they think it's clever and makes them think about things in a new way. Other people don't like it because they think it's weird or hard to understand. Either way, Mary Kelly is an important artist who talks about important things.