ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mass line

The mass line is like a really cool way of solving problems. Imagine you're trying to decide what game to play with your friends. You might have some ideas about what would be fun, but you're not exactly sure.

So, what do you do? You ask your friends what they like, and you think about all the different things that might make a game enjoyable. You use all of these different ideas to decide on the best game to play.

This is kind of like how the mass line works. It's a way for groups of people to make decisions together. Instead of just one person making all the decisions, everyone's ideas are taken into account.

So, let's say a group of people wants to start a community garden. They might get together and talk about all of the different things they want the garden to be like. They might talk about what kinds of plants they want to grow, what tools they'll need, and where they want the garden to be located.

But they don't just stop there. They also talk to other people in the community. They might ask their neighbors what kinds of things they would want in a community garden. They might even talk to experts on gardening to get more ideas.

All of these different ideas are then used to come up with a plan for the garden that everyone can agree on. This way, everyone feels like they had a say in the plan, and everyone's ideas were taken into account.

So, the mass line is basically just a way of making decisions that involves everyone's ideas. And it's a really great way to make sure that everyone is happy with the final decision.