ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Master of Health Administration

A Master of Health Administration degree is a special school thing that some people do when they want to be really good at helping people who are sick or who need medical help.

Think of it like playing a video game, where being good at it takes practice and learning all the tools and strategies to help you win. Except instead of a video game, it's helping real people get better when they are sick.

So at the Master of Health Administration school, people learn a lot about taking care of other people who need medicine or surgery or other treatments to help them feel better.

They learn about how to run a hospital or a clinic or a doctors' office, and how to make sure everything is working well and everyone is getting the care they need.

They also learn how to work with other people, like nurses and doctors and other healthcare workers, to make sure everyone is working together to help the patients.

So when someone gets a Master of Health Administration degree, it means they have learned a lot about how to help sick people and make sure they get the best care possible.