ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Matinée idol

A matinée idol is a person, usually a man, who is very handsome and popular for their good looks and acting skills. They usually star in movies or television shows and are admired by many people, especially women.

Imagine a really charming and handsome man, like a prince or hero in a storybook. He's so good-looking that everyone loves him, and when he acts in movies or TV shows, people can't help but watch him. This man is a matinée idol.

Matinée idols have been around for a long time, and people have always had crushes on them. They usually play romantic roles, where they are the hero who saves the day and get the girl in the end. People admire them for their talent and looks, and they want to be just like them or be with them.

So, in summary, a matinée idol is someone who is really good-looking, talented, and admired by many people for their acting skills in movies or TV shows. They usually play romantic roles and are loved by many, especially women.