ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Matta El Meskeen

"Matta El Meskeen" is an Arabic phrase that means "St. Matthew the Poor". He was a very good and religious man who lived in Egypt a long time ago. Everyone in his village loved and respected him because of his kindness and the way he helped all of those who were in need.

St. Matthew the Poor believed that being kind to others was the most important thing in life. He always wanted to help those who were less fortunate and would often give away his own things to those who needed them more. Even though he didn't have much himself, he lived a simple life and was happy just to be able to help others.

Many people in Egypt still talk about St. Matthew the Poor and how he helped so many people. He is a very important figure in the Christian religion and is remembered for his kindness and generosity.