ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Matthew 13

Matthew 13 is a chapter in the Bible where Jesus tells some stories to help people understand important things about God and life.

In the first story, Jesus talks about a person who went out to scatter seeds in a field. Some seeds fell on a path where birds ate them, some fell on rocks and withered away, some were choked by thorns, and some fell on good soil and grew into healthy plants. Jesus explains that this story means that sometimes people hear about God, but they don't listen or care, or they get distracted and don't follow God, but some people hear and follow God and grow spiritually.

In the second story, Jesus talks about a person who sowed good seeds in a field, but an enemy came and sowed bad seeds among them. When the plants grew, the good and the bad were mixed together, and the servants suggested pulling out the bad plants. However, the person planting the seeds said to wait until everything grew, and at harvest time, the wheat (good plants) would be sorted from the weeds (bad plants). Jesus explains that this story means that there are good and bad people in the world, and in the end, God will sort them out and judge them.

In the third story, Jesus talks about a mustard seed, which is a very tiny seed. However, when it is planted, it grows into a big bush, and birds come and make their nests in it. Jesus explains that even though our faith may start small, if we nurture it, it can grow into something big and provide shelter and refuge for others.

In the fourth story, Jesus talks about a woman who took some yeast and mixed it into a large amount of dough, which caused the dough to rise. Jesus explains that this story means that even though faith may start small, it can spread and affect others.

In the fifth story, Jesus talks about a treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he sold everything he had to buy the field and have the treasure. Jesus explains that this story means that the kingdom of God is like a valuable treasure that is worth giving up everything else for.

In the sixth story, Jesus talks about fishing. He says that some fishermen caught all sorts of fish in their nets, but they sorted them out, keeping the good ones and throwing away the bad ones. Jesus explains that this story means that at the end of time, God will separate those who follow Him from those who don't.

In the seventh story, Jesus talks about a homeowner who brings out both new and old things from his storeroom. Jesus explains that this story means that understanding God and faith requires both the old teachings and traditions as well as the new teachings and experiences.

Overall, these stories in Matthew 13 help us understand that there are good and bad people in the world, but in the end, God will sort them out and judge them. Also, they help us understand that having faith in God can start small but grow into something big and provide shelter for others. And finally, they teach us that there are valuable treasures and teachings that can be found in both old and new teachings about God and faith.