ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Maya city

A Maya city is a big place where lots of people live, work, and do important things. It's kind of like a big village, but much bigger and with more buildings and people. The Maya were a group of people who lived a long time ago in what is now Mexico and Central America.

In the Maya city, there were many buildings that were used for different things like houses for people to live in, markets where people bought and sold things, and special buildings where the leaders of the city would work and make decisions. These buildings were made out of big blocks of stone and were decorated with lots of beautiful carvings and artwork.

Around the Maya city, there were also walls that were built to protect the people inside from enemies who might want to attack. These walls were very strong and were often decorated with artwork as well.

The Maya people who lived in the city were very skilled farmers. They grew things like corn, beans, and squash, which they ate to stay healthy. They also traded some of their crops with people from other cities for things that they needed, like tools or materials to make clothes.

Overall, a Maya city was a very important place where people worked hard and did many different things to make sure that their community was prosperous and safe.