ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mayberry Machiavelli

Ohh, okay, so you know how in the TV show "The Andy Griffith Show" there was a small town called Mayberry where the sheriff, Andy, lived and worked? And you also might know about a guy named Machiavelli who wrote a book about how to be a really powerful ruler and do whatever it takes to stay in charge? Well, Mayberry Machiavelli is when someone uses tricky or sneaky tactics to gain power or control, just like Machiavelli talked about. It's like when someone in Mayberry might pretend to be really nice and helpful to others, but secretly they are trying to get more power or money. It's not a good thing to do, and it can hurt people. So it's important to always be honest and fair, even if it means you don't get everything you want.