ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Measurable Riemann mapping theorem

The measurable Riemann Mapping Theorem is like trying to find the right puzzle piece for a puzzle. Imagine you have a puzzle with a bunch of pieces, but you need to find the piece that fits in the middle. The measurable Riemann Mapping Theorem helps us find that piece.

You see, sometimes we have shapes (like the inside of a circle or a square) that we want to turn into a different shape (like a different circle or square) while keeping their size and angles the same. This is called mapping. The measurable Riemann Mapping Theorem says that we can always find a way to map any shape onto a circle or a square, as long as the shape is measurable. Measurable just means that we can measure it, like with a ruler.

But there's a catch. The way we map the shape onto a circle or a square has to be nice and smooth, with no bumps or jagged edges. It's like trying to put a puzzle piece into the wrong spot - if it doesn't fit perfectly, it won't work. So, we need to find the perfect puzzle piece to fit.

The measurable Riemann Mapping Theorem helps us find that perfect puzzle piece. It's like having a map that tells us exactly where to put the puzzle piece to make it fit just right. With this theorem, we can always find a smooth and perfect way to map any shape onto a circle or a square. Pretty cool, right?