ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Measuring rod

A measuring rod is a tool that helps us measure things that are too big or too long to be measured using a regular ruler. It's kind of like a really long stick that has lines on it to show us how much we are measuring. Just like when we use a ruler to measure small things like a pencil, we can use a measuring rod to measure big things like a room or a building.

To use a measuring rod, we need to lay it flat against the thing we want to measure. Then we look at the lines on the rod and see how many of them match up with the length of the thing we are measuring. The lines help us divide the length into smaller parts so we can be more exact in our measurement.

Measuring rods can come in different sizes and shapes. Some are made of wood, some are made of metal, and others can be flexible like a tape measure. But no matter what they look like, they all help us measure big things and figure out how long or wide they are.