ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Meat safe

When you eat meat, you want to make sure it's safe to eat. Meat can go bad if it's not stored or cooked properly, and then it can make you sick. A meat safe is a big box that people in the olden days used to keep their meat in. The meat safe was made of metal or wood and had doors that closed tightly to keep the air out.

When people got meat from the market, they would put it in the meat safe. They would put a block of ice or a cold wet cloth in there too, to keep the meat cool. It's like putting your food in the fridge today.

The meat safe also protected the meat from bugs and other critters that might want to eat it. Imagine if there were flies buzzing around your meat - yuck!

So, the meat safe made sure that the meat was safe to eat. Nowadays we have refrigerators and freezers to keep our meat safe, but it's still important to handle and cook meat properly to avoid getting sick.